Method : POST
Endpoint: {{ env('APP_URL') }}/send-LIST
Request Body : (JSON If POST)
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
api_key | string | Yes | API Key |
sender | string | Yes | Number of your device |
number | string | Yes | recipient number ex 72888xxxx|62888xxxx | {{--
footer | string | No | footer of your message |
title | string | Yes | title of your list |
buttontext | string | Yes | text of your button list |
message | string | Yes | Text of your message |
list | array | Yes | list of your message min 1 max 10 |
image/url | url | No | fill this if you want to add an image |
Example JSON Request
"sender" : "6282298859671",
"api_key" : "ndUJR38JkvyCfLZ",
"number" : "082298859671",
"name" : "pesan list",
"footer" : "optional",
"title" : "title list",
"buttontext" : "ey",
"message" : "Halo,ini pesan list button",
"list" : ["sdf","list2","list3"]
Example URL request
{{ env('APP_URL') }}/send-list?sender=6282298859671&api_key=ndUJR38JkvyCfLZ&number=082298859671&name=pesan list&footer=optional&title=title list&buttontext=ey&message=Halo,ini pesan list&list=sdf,list2,list3